A novel solution that collects harmful excess algae from natural water bodies and transforms it into value-added products for sustainable consumption.

Autonomous, scalable, and rapidly deployed.
Algo works in ponds, lakes, canals, water features, pools, and everything in-between. The device works autonomously in contaminated water bodies to extract excess nutrients that are disrupting aquatic ecosystems—with minimal intervention. Our technology goes to work as soon as it is anchored in water.

Using algae to fight algae.
Using algae to fight algae.
Algo filters water by channeling it through an enclosed algae super-incubator. As water enters the vessel, it passes over a series of meshes uniquely designed to optimise algae growth while uptaking surplus nutrients contributing to ecosystem imbalance. By acting as an aquatic algae farm, Algo provides a preferred environment for algae blooming rather than its surroundings.
Self-sufficient and resilient.
Algo draws power from solar photovoltaic panels attached to its external mast, as well as hydrowheels that double as algae cultivation surfaces spinning within the incubator chamber. These systems work together to ensure continual power is provided to the device’s pump, LEDs, and sensor.
Holistically manufactured.
Holistically manufactured.
Our team prioritises circular economies and negative carbon diets. Algo is manufactured with recycled materials, and carefully designed to counteract embodied greenhouse gas emissions through algae cultivation and carbon sequestration. Our value-added products undergo manufacturing processes that are systematised to produce less emissions than captured through the device.

Real-time growth monitoring.
Light sensors on the device check the level of algae growth within the basin, providing an indicator for users to tank capacity in real-time. Once the algae have been extracted, it will be transported to the lab for further treatment to produce higher-value products like biodiesel, fertilizer, pigments and cosmetic extracts.